What is customer loyalty monitoring?
Customer loyalty monitoring is a market research technique that helps you quantitatively measure and track the loyalty of customers towards your brand vis-a-vis the competitors in the market.
Why is customer loyalty monitoring done?
Customer loyalty monitoring is performed to understand the brand performance post-launch and identify areas of improvement, if any, in branding and marketing. This can be tracked over time to see the progress of customer loyalty over time with various marketing and branding activities.
When is customer loyalty monitoring done?
- If you are a brand manager and want to understand and assess the performance of your brand vis-à-vis the competitors in the market and make strategic decisions based on it
- If you are a brand/marketing manager who wants to understand the reasons for the drop in customer loyalty and make changes to the marketing strategy based on the customer inputs
- If you are a marketing manager and want to understand the drop in product performance or market share and make changes to the marketing strategy based on the customer inputs
- And many more….
How is Customer Loyalty Monitoring performed?
A customer loyalty monitoring study is conducted by monitoring customer loyalty behaviors, or can be done comprehensively by understanding the customer experiences with the brand across various touchpoints. Customer Loyalty Monitoring is performed by measuring various loyalty behaviors, such as willingness to recommend (NPS), continued future use of the brand, and use of the brand for new applications.
- Experiences: For monitoring experiences, various touchpoints such as after-sales support, website, sales representatives, price/finance, patient education, etc. can be measured on a rating scale for the client brand vis-à-vis the competition.
- Brand Images: For the brand image, various parameters such as innovation, market leader, strong clinical results, scientific rigor in product development, etc. can be measured on a rating scale for the client brand vis-à-vis the competition.
- Brand Personality: For the brand personality, various parameters such as honesty, commitment, versatility, nimble, novel, excitement, productivity, etc. can be measured on a rating scale for the client brand vis-à-vis the competition.
- Emotional motivation: Emotional motivators such as trust, values, honesty in dealings, pride to say a customer, confidence when using, strong enduring relationship, etc. can be measured on a rating scale for the client brand vis-à-vis the competition.
- Rational motivation: Rational motivators such as meeting your needs, overall experience, overall value, etc. can be measured on a rating scale for the client brand vis-à-vis the competition.